[caldera_form id=”CF59b8c57e75597″]
By clicking ‘Submit Form’ below, the Merchant and its owners and/or principals (individually and collectively, the “Applicant”) certifies that Applicant is authorized to submit this application on behalf of the above named business. Applicant certifies that all information and documents submitted in connection with this Application are true, correct and complete and may be relied upon by West County Cleaning Service LLC DBA Volpe Consulting & Accounting Services (“Volpe”). Applicant shall immediately notify Volpe of any material change in financial condition. Applicant authorizes Volpe to share this application and all supporting documentation with each of its representatives, successors, assigns, and designees, including third party lenders (“Assignees”). Applicant further authorizes Volpe and all Assignees to request, receive, and review any investigative or credit reports, including comprehensive business and personal credit histories or hard credit pulls, and any other information regarding the Applicant and its owners and/or principals from third parties deemed necessary by Volpe or Assignees to verify any information provided on the Application. Furthermore, Applicant hereby waives and releases any claims against Volpe, all Assignees, and any information‐providers arising from any act or omission relating to the requesting, receiving or release of the information obtained in connection with this application. This authorization shall be valid for one hundred twenty (120) days unless revoked in writing by Applicant.