3 Easy Steps to Build a Mantra

Accounting blog: 3 Easy Steps to Build a Mantra

Business BootKamp (TM), Building a Mantra in 3 Easy Steps

Hi Everyone and Happy 4th!

In my last BootKamp™ post, I really wanted to include a link to a site that provides step-by-step instructions on how to build a magnificent mantra, but after hours of research, I found nothing. Ergo I sat down with some of my colleagues and work shopped how to make a mantra, in three easy steps! You can use this for your business, personal branding, family, or any other place that you would like to use a mantra to motivate you and your team and keep them going on the right path.  So, grab a college, or just a pen and some paper (or open a word processor on your device) and lets get to it!

Every St. Louis Business Needs a Mantra



Step 1: What does your company value most?  [Write down a list and then highlight words that jump out at you].  After you have your list, choose your key one to three values.

Step 2: Write down a story about this value being lived out in your company, it can be by you, your partner, an employee,  a vendor, or even a customer.

Step 3:  Review your story and highlight any action oriented words or short phrases that stand out to you.  From there, you should either have, or be able to develop a short one to four word phrase that embodies your company!

If you found this helpful, please like or share this page with a friend!


Chelsea Auton

The Volpe Consulting & Accounting Team

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