Announcing Two New Weekly Series: ‘TaxesTuesday’ and ‘Business BootKamp’

Hello everyone and happy Friday!

In the spirit of looking ever forward, we are moving on from this past tax season and helping our clients and readers to do better this year by;

  1. Planning their tax strategy to avoid a huge bill at the end of the year, and  
  2. Helping you grow your company by keeping you updated and informed of the new and ever changing tax laws affecting businesses


We will be launching our first weekly post this coming Tuesday under a new series called TaxesTuesday. Under the series, you will find a weekly post with relevant tax preparation matters, issues, frequently asked questions, etc., consolidated in each post from multiple sources for your convenience, and presented in a way that will help both St. Louis businesses and individuals make sense of regulations and learn little tricks to help them grow. We will also include the corresponding links to the IRS and related State websites.

Business BootKamp

Then we’ll follow with our 2nd series, Business BootKamp™, a weekly article that is scheduled to be launched on Friday. With this series, we will be talking about new business trends, how to develop a business mantra or slogan, and its mission, sharing the vision and even funding it, developing an elevator pitch and other related topics in order to help you establish, grow, and create sustainability in your business.Weekly Series

If you have specific questions or something that you would like us to blog about, feel free to post in the comments section or reach out to us through email or a phone call.  We know these topics can be rather taxing, but if we work together we can break down so many tax barriers and business issues!

#TaxesTuesday #BusinessBootKamp™

Apple Volpe and Chelsea Auton

The Volpe Consulting & Accounting Team

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