An Accounting Firm’s Best Payroll Software of 2019

August 15, 2023
Accounting blog: An Accounting Firm’s Best Payroll Software of 2019

If you, like many small businesses in the United States, are looking for a way to manage your payroll, you have probably realized there are a lot of different software options on the market.Payroll is a task no small business owner wants to deal with.Doing it by hand has become pretty much non-existent, but it still is a time-consuming task that takes you away from your primary duties as a business owner. Do I need payroll software if I already pay an accountant?All things considered, payroll services are typically very affordable. Compared to bookkeeping and consulting, payroll services are rather inexpensive.As a company that offers payroll services to small businesses, we typically advise that we are – in some way – involved with our client’s payroll.When we are familiar with all of our client’s financial and have an understanding of what their payroll expenses are, it makes it easier to provide financial advise and also makes their quarterly and annual bookkeeping and returns much easier.With that said, we still advise our clients to use some form of payroll software. Whether it is just for inputting data or a complete payroll solution that employees use to clock in and out, when our client uses a software we can automate with another platform like Quickbooks or Qvinci, if makes our jobs much easier.Additionally, when you use payroll software, it makes it easier for you to budget expenses and get an understanding of the hours your employees are working.What should I look for in my payroll software?This is a question we get asked a lot and is typically dependent on your business.Some questions we typically ask include:

  • Do you need your payroll software to offer time-tracking/clocking in and out?
  • Do you want to have the ability to file your quarterly or year-end forms?
  • Do you need it to have a simple or in-depth interface/user experience design?
  • How much are you willing to spend for your payroll software?

What payroll software do accountants think is the best?

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